About the Institute

Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology at the National Research University “TIIAME”

“Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xo‘jaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari instituti” Milliy tadqiqot universitetining Qarshi irrigatsiya va agrotexnologiyalar instituti yerdan foydalanish va uni boshqarish hamda suv xo‘jaligini sohalarida kadrlar tayyorlay boshlagan respublikamiz janubiy mintaqasida joylashgan, yangi tashkil etilgan oliy ta’lim muassasasi hisoblanadi.

Hozirgi kunda institutda 18 ta bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlari, 6 ta magistratura mutaxassisliklari bo‘yicha 4300 nafardan ortiq talabalar tahsil olishmoqda.


Virtual tour


The latest news about the activities of the Institute

Axborot resurslari

The information resources we use

Electronic Library

Electronic database of books for students

Hemis OTM

Hemis OTM information system for teaching and working staff

Hemis Student

Hemis Student Information System for students

Interactive services

List of all interactive services provided

We are on social networks

Official pages of the Institute on social networks

Useful links

In the catalog you can get some information about the faculties and the study process

Catalog of the Institute