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Director of the Karshi institute of irrigation and agrotechnologies of “TIIAME” National research university: Mukimov Zarip Majlisovich
Reception time: Phone: (+998)-75-224-19-72 E-mail: director@tiiamekb.uz |
Duties of the director
The duties of the director include:
- Organization of the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential decrees and orders, decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and personnel training;
- to ensure the training of highly educated qualified personnel with high moral and ethical qualities, who are capable of independent thinking, who have mastered the methods of organizing work in market conditions;
- organization of training of highly qualified personnel based on state educational standards;
- to ensure that the institute fulfills the tasks specified in the Law "On Education" and "National Program of Personnel Training" of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- determine the powers of all departments in the structural structure of the institute, plan, coordinate, manage their activities, train suitable personnel for the management positions of the higher education institution, select employees, recommend and recruit for leadership positions;
- material and moral encouragement of employees, provision of social protection, application of disciplinary sanctions;
- control over formation of the institution's income and their effective use;
- organization of scientific-research works, increasing their efficiency and wide implementation of research results into practice, ensuring mutual integration of higher education, science and production;
- organizing the creation, translation and publication of textbooks and educational-methodical literature in accordance with the requirements of the concept of creating a new generation of educational literature for the continuous education system;
- organization of advanced forms of teaching, including distance learning, introduction of new pedagogical and information and communication technologies and their effective use in the educational process;
- leading spiritual-educational, educational activities, forming a national idea among employees and students;
- admission to studentship, master's degree and intern-researcher-researcher-researcher's institute, expulsion, reinstatement, ensuring compliance with internal regulations;
- to ensure professional development of professors and teachers;
- organization of household services and other types of conditions for students, interns-researchers-researchers, scientific-pedagogical staff, ensuring their social protection;
- to ensure continuous quality control of the activities of faculties and departments, the educational process, lectures, practical and laboratory training, training and production practices, and other types of training;
- organization of events aimed at determining the prospects of the development of the direction and specializations in the educational institution (holding scientific-practical conferences, participating in international conferences, creating conditions for the use of information space, bringing literature and information materials related to the development of science and technology, technologies) , on the basis of this, to ensure the improvement of state educational standards, educational programs, educational literature, to guide scientific research;
- developing the marketing service, studying the demand and need for educational areas and specializations, analyzing the actual employment of graduates, and establishing cooperation agreements for targeted training of specialists;
- development and implementation of measures to strengthen and develop the material and technical base of the institute, lead the Scientific Council of the higher educational institution, improve the structural structure of the higher educational institution, establish, terminate, and change its structural units;
- development of scientific and creative relations with foreign partners, ensuring the attraction of investments and grants, carrying out the activities of organizing joint enterprises (departments, scientific centers, scientific researches, projects, etc.);
- carrying out cooperation activities with public organizations, board of trustees and other such non-governmental organizations;
- ensuring the performance of other tasks determined by the competent bodies for the management of the educational process;