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Head of the Department of “Ecology and Hydrology”
Eshonkulov Ravshan AbdurazakovichDoctor of Technical Sciences, (DSc), Associate Professor
Reception hours: Tuesday, Thursday. Phone: +998 90 729-03-70 Email: ravshan_ecogis@yahoo.com |
About the department
Ensuring the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-4391 dated July 11, 2019 “On measures to introduce new management principles in the system of higher and secondary specialized education”, message from the rector of the National Research University “TIIAME” B. Mirzaev dated February 17, 2024 No. 09-13-531, Council of the Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Technology and based on the decision of meeting No. 2 of September 4, 2023, the Department of “Ecology and Hydrology” was created.
Currently, the department Prof. It is managed under the leadership of R.A. Eshonkulov.
Such professors and teaching staff are making a great contribution to the development of the department.as Prof. R.A. Eshonkulov, Prof. D.A. Kuvvatov, S.U. S.U.Jonkobilov, Sh.P.Khushiev, Zh.A.Sagdiev, D.N.Mamatova, N.P.Karimov, Zh.O. Roziklov, U.U.Rakhimov, F.F.Ibodullaev, Sh.B.Bakhadirov, Z.I.Suyunova
Today, the main staff of the department includes 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 1 assistant and 9 trainee teachers.
Bachelor's and education by corresponsence fields and master's specializations at the department
Undergraduate Education:
- Ecology and environmental protection;
Master's degree:
- planned
Basic doctoral studies:
- planned
The department “Ecology and hydrology” "TIQXMMI" National Research University, Tashkent State Technical University, Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Kashkadarya Regional Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change Ministry, Amu-Kashkadarya Irrigation Systems Basin Department, Amu-Kashkadarya Irrigation Systems the reclamation expedition under the basin administration works in mutual cooperation. Also, from foreign higher education institutions, the University of Hohenheim of the Federal Republic of Germany, the University of Gottingen, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Poland are engaged in mutual cooperation in the field of science and education.
- Increasing scientific potential (PhD and DSc defenses);
- Development of integration of science, education and production;
- Implementation of research projects based on state grants (implementation of fundamental, practical and innovative projects);
- Business contracts (commercialization of developments on StartUp projects);
- Publication of textbooks, study guides, monographs, scientific articles in Scopus and WOS databases;
- Development of foreign cooperation, organization of international conferences and distance learning (once every 2 years);
- Preparing winners of prestigious international and republican competitions among students;
- Preparation and participation of talented students and graduate students in the competition of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan scholarship and famous state scholarships.
N |
Name |
Position |
1. |
Eshonqulov Ravshan Abdurazakovich |
head of the department |
2. |
Jonqobilov Sobir Ulug‘muradovich |
associate professor |
3. |
Xushiev Shuxrat Panjievich |
assistant |
4. |
Raximov Uchqun O‘ktam o‘g‘li |
assistant |
5. |
Ro‘ziqulov Jahongir Orziqulovich |
assistant |
6. |
Mamatova Dilnoza Navro‘zovna |
assistant |
7. |
Bahodirov Shohrux Bahodirovich |
assistant |
8. |
Suyunova Zamira Ibragimovna |
assistant |
9. |
Quvvatov Dilshod Ashuraliyevich |
associate professor |
10. |
Ibodullayev Fazliddin Faxriddinovich |
assistant |
11. |
Sag‘diyev Jasur Abduaxatovich |
assistant |
12. |
Karimov Nuriddin Payzullayevich |
assistant |