About our institute


About our institute

The Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers was established based on the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated May 28, 2019 No. 437.

Types of education

  • The number of undergraduate education courses is 17

  • The number of external education courses is 13

  • Master's degrees - 6

Number of students

  • Undergraduate – 4034

  • Master's degree - 27

Scientific potential of the institute

Doctors of science, professors - 7 people;

including women - 1 person.

Candidates of science, doctors of philosophy, associate professors - 40 people;

including women - 9 people.


In the 2023-2024 academic year, 115 professors-teachers have been employed full-time in the Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnologies of Karshi at NRU "TIIAME." Doctors of science, professors  are  7, candidates of science and doctors of philosophy, associate professors  are  40, scientific potential is 40.8%.

      7 (6.1%) of professors and teachers working full-time are doctors of science, professors, 40 (34.8%) are candidates of sciences and doctors of philosophy, associate professors, 68 (59.1%) are senior o are teachers, assistants and teacher   interns. The average age of a doctor of science at the institute was 46.4 years, and the average age of a candidate of science and a doctor of philosophy was 42.5 years. The composition of professors and teachers of scientific level in terms of their age: 30-40 years old - 18 people, 40-50 years old - 21 people, 50-60 years old - 5 people, 60 and above - 4 people.

            In 2023, 3 professors  of the institute successfully  defended their dissertation to receive the Doctor of Science (DSc) and 10 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees. A total of 30 (3 DSc, 27 PhD) dissertation defenses are planned in 2024, and it is planned to increase the scientific potential to 47.3%. In 2024,  a doctor of philosophy (PhD) dissertation was successfully defended.

Structure of the institution

  • Departments – 12

  • Faculties – 2

  • Auditoriums – 64

  • Total number of laboratories – 7

  • Scientific laboratory – 1

  • Total area, ha – 5.6

  • Educational area, m2 - 55608

  • Educational literature - 18248

  • Number of information resource center – 2

  • Student accommodation, number of places – 240

  • Sports hall – 1

  • Sports field - 4