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President of the women's Council: Rasulova Mohira Sa'dullayevnaReception time: Telephone: (+99891) 321-33-41 E-mail: |
About the Department
Based on the implementation of Order No. 326 of the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 17, 2020 and Resolution No. 373 A/F of the Institute dated December 6, 2021, the women's council was formed and the Council charter was developed. Rasulova Mokhira sa'dullayevna was elected chairman of the women's Advisory Council.
In accordance with Order No. 518 of the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 13, 2021, the chairman of the women's council was given the status of advisor to the director of women's Affairs.
In the academic year 2021-2022, the total number of women in full-time education was 415, consisting of 39 professors, 37 working staff, 325 student girls. Effective work was carried out with them in accordance with the established plan of the women's Council.Among them were 8 students with disabilities, 3 “Iron notebooks”, 3 students-girls who stood on the list of “Youth notebooks”.
- The total number of students to date is 4,067, of which 736 are female students.
There are two faculties in full-time education, 209 students-girls in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and agricultural mechanization, and 181 students-girls in the Faculty of Hydromelioration. Among them are 8 disabled, chin orphan 1, 5 “Iron Notebook”, 5 student-girls who stand on the list in the “Youth notebook”are also bringing education. There are 5 student girls in the magistracy, 7 professors in the doktarantura are bringing education.
As of the 2023-2024 school year, there are 128 women working staff. Of this, there are 53 women professors and 7 candidates of science (PhD) and one doctor of science (DSc).
Duties of the chairman of the Advisory Council on women's Affairs
- To take measures to ensure gender equality, increase the socio-political activity of women in the year of” youth support and strengthening the health of the population";
- Organization of systematic spiritual and educational activities among students of higher educational institutions on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in families, strengthening reproductive health, negative consequences of family divorces;
-The formation of reserve personnel from them, identifying talented, potential personnel among women working at the HEI;
- To increase the moral and aesthetic culture, socio-political activity of student girls in the institutions of the HEI, to direct them to the profession;
- Develop proposals to support the education of girls and pay special attention to employment;
-Work with troubled families and systematically establish a special focus on student-girls living in such families;
-Development and strict supervision of a unified system for the organization of spiritual and moral, educational work among women living in student housing, private apartments and rental apartments, further strengthening the activities of creative, professional, artistic clubs, aimed at the meaningful transfer of their free time;
- Development of scientific research in the field of Education, Science among women;
-Prepare young people for family life, teach them the legal and psychological foundations of resolving conflict situations in the family, strengthen families, develop proposals for the Prevention of early marriage and family divorces, and implement appropriate measures;
-To make a proposal to recommend employees who are effectively operating in the Zulfiya State Prize and the “Magnificent woman” breastplate, and to ensure compliance with the principles of legality, social justice, transparency in the selection of candidates;
-Opportunities created for women at the HEI, to shed light on the work to be done through the media.