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Deputy director for Scientific Affairs and innovation Ravshanov Hamrokul Amirkulovich t.f.d., professor
Reception time: Tel: +998 91 474-81-35 Email: ravshanovhamroqul@mail.ru A-221-room |
In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 437 of May 28, 2019 “On the establishment of the Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers”, in 2019 the Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers was established. The Branch started its operations on September 4, 2019.
According to the decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 2021 “On measures to radically improve the system of training of engineering personnel for economic sectors on the basis of innovation and digitalization”PQ-42, the Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers was transformed into Karshi institute of irrigation and agrotechnologies of the National Research University ”TIIAME“.
On the basis of Order No. 05-k of the minister of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 27, 2019, Ravshanov Hamrokul Amirkulovich was appointed deputy director for Scientific Affairs and innovation of the Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers. Initially, in 2019, the scientific activity of the institute began with the deputy director and the secretary-keeper.
Today, the institute operates the “deputy director for Scientific Affairs and innovation” from August 27, 2019, the “Department of international cooperation” from October 18, 2021 on the basis of Order No. 89, the “Department of scientific research, innovation and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel” from October 20, 2021 on the basis of Order No. 91.
The deputy director for Scientific Affairs and innovation, on the basis of the law “on education”and the “National Program of Personnel Training”, directs and coordinates activities in the educational, educational and methodological direction at the Institute.
The position duties of the deputy director for Scientific Affairs and innovation include:
Organization of scientific work on the basis of state educational standards and qualification requirements, ensuring the training of highly qualified scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel;
further improvement of the use of information and communication technologies in the field of science achievements in the fields of Agriculture and water management in the world, the study of modern technologies, advanced experience created and their application, promotion and implementation in scientific and practical activities;
Organization of approval of fundamental, scientific and practical and innovation grant projects carried out within the framework of State Scientific Technical Programs;
development of international relations at the Institute, attracting foreign grants and investments, their effective implementation;
sending students to leading foreign agricultural and aquaculture organizations to undergo production practices;
involvement of professors and teachers of the Institute, senior scientific staff and independent scientific researchers in scientific research on the priority areas of development of Agriculture and water economy;
Organization of cabinets of faculties and departments of leading fields of higher education institutions in the field of Agriculture and water management for teaching and practical training and research work by students, professors, senior scientific staff-researchers and independent scientific researchers;
wide involvement in scientific work, selecting talented and science-hungry young people from among them, based on the study of the level of knowledge of undergraduate and graduate students of the Institute. Preparation of proposals for the employment of talented undergraduates, interns-researchers-researchers and senior research staff-researchers and employment at the Institute;
to take measures to analyze and develop the activities of existing laboratories and scientific centers at the Institute.
Conducting reports of annual research activities of departments, scientific laboratories and centers, analyzing and drawing conclusions, carrying out assessments of research activities of professors and teachers in modern ways;
management of the organization, coordination and control of research carried out at the experimental institution of the Institute and the educational and scientific Experimental Station;
preparation of proposals and organization of work in the direction of research activities in the Departments of the Institute;
coordination, organization and control of the work of departments, deaneries and departments that provide research processes;
in the departments, laboratories and centers of the institute to make recommendations on the implementation of scientific research, the results of which are carried out on the basis of budget, foreign and state grants and economic contracts;
implementation of work on the training of highly qualified scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel, work with gifted students and their preparation for Science Olympiads at the Institute;
list of applicants for qualification exams, examination admission time, place and coordination of the composition of the commission with the anic and HAC (OAK), Organization of the examination session;
organizing monitoring of the activities of scientific seminars and specialized councils operating in the Institute;
development of communication with research institutes of the Republic, scientific organizations of foreign countries in order to train scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel;
respublika va xorijda e’lon qilingan ilmiy ishlar tanloviga taklif-loyihalar tayyorlash va unda institutning munosib ishtirokini tashkil etish;
working with talented students studying at faculties, organizing their involvement in the student scientific society, science circles and
invitation to the competition of scientific works announced in the Republic and abroad-preparation of projects and organization of worthy participation of the Institute in it;
Organization of scientific practical conferences, leadership of the work to increase the scientific and methodological activities of the Institute, generalization of Advanced Scientific and methodological experiments;
the process of preparation and publication of scientific works materials, including journals and collections of scientific works, by the staff of the institute, as well as carrying out general leadership on replenishment of the Fund of the Information Resource Center with scientific periodicals in all areas of scientific activity of the Institute;
organization and management of the processes of search, selection and work with talented young scientists, Organization of their participation in various Republican competitions, preparation of prestigious scholarship winners of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Beruniy, Navoi, Ulugbek and other names among intern-researcher-researchers;
participation in the organization of the provision of departments and departments with highly qualified scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel;
Organization of symposia, conferences and seminars and conferences dedicated to the discussion of scientific problems;
Organization of advertising and marketing service in order to introduce the results of research work into the national economy;
Organization of the activities of specialized councils for the protection of dissertations;
Organization of training and professional development of teachers and scientific personnel in scientific and educational centers, including abroad, expansion of informational relations with them;
control over the implementation of the personal plans of senior research staff-researchers, young professors and independent researchers;
taking action against employees who violate executive discipline, making proposals to terminate the contract with them;
determination of the annual rating of the Institute in the established order, critical analysis, implementation of work on improving activities;
active participation in the permanent internal certification of the Institute in the established procedure, preparation and transfer of external certification-accreditation;
working with the appeals of individuals and legal entities, including considering the appeals to the virtual reception of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, virtual receptions of ministries and the director of the Institute and reception of students and parents in the manner established by the members of the Working Group, preparing proposals for disciplinary actions to officials who are irresponsible about the issues;
performance of other tasks on the basis of current legislation.