Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agricultural Mechanization Kadirov Uchkun IlkhomovichDoctor of Philosophy of technical sciences, associate professor
Reception hours: Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 to 16:00 Phone: +99890-616-85-25 E-mail: spark.1277@mail.ru |
About the Faculty
The "Agricultural Mechanization" faculty was opened as part of the Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, which was established based on the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 437 of May 28, 2019. In the faculty, which started its activity on September 4, 2019, in the early stages, the departments of "Mathematics and natural sciences", "Humanities" and "General technical sciences" were operating. 293 full-time bachelor's degree students began to receive education.
By the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the establishment of the national research university "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" approved by PQ-42 dated December 10, 2021, and agrotechnologies institute was established and the Faculty of "Agricultural Mechanization" continued its activities within this institute.
From April 1, 2022, the name of the faculty was renamed to "Mechanization of Livestock and Agriculture" and it continues to operate today.
Professors F.M.Mamatov, K.A.Ravshanov, O.J.Pirimov, Ch.Temirova, associate professors A.Abdiyev, D.Quvvatov, B.Muqimov, H.Rakhimov, Sh.Yakubova, L.Bozorova, A.Lutfullayev, and others made a great contribution to the development and progress of the faculty.
Today, the faculty has the departments "General technical sciences", "Automation and control of technological processes", "Land resources management", "Geodesy and Geoinformatics", "Mathematics, physical education and sports" and from March 1, 2024, new "Innovative techniques and technologies in Agriculture’’ established department has been operating.
In the early years, the faculty taught 'Mechanization of agriculture', 'Automation and management of technological processes and production', 'Technology of storage and preliminary processing of agricultural products', 'Land cadastre and land preparation', and 'Geodesy and Geoinformatics'. But now, "Livestock processing technology", "Electric power (by networks and directions)", "Professional education (Land cadastre and land preparation)" ", " Using innovative techniques and technologies in agriculture" and a total of 9 educational areas, full-time specialists are being trained.
Also, professors and teachers participate in activities related to the creation, improvement, and testing of machines and equipment, standardization of equipment and materials in the implementation of scientific research works; use of new technical tools in the research of farming, animal husbandry and primary processing techniques; carrying out scientific research works on modern methods of using energy tools and agricultural machines in cooperation with research institutes and centers; Conducting experimental studies on digital technologies, model methods used in the country and in foreign countries on modern methods of controlling machine-tractor aggregates, participation in the analysis of their results, research results and research in the fields of application of research results and developments to production is being implemented.
In 2023, 171 students became the first graduates of the faculty in 4 bachelor's education fields. Today, a total of 986 students, 780 boys and 206 girls, from all regions and territories of our Republic are studying at the faculty in 9 undergraduate courses, 365 of them study based on a state grant and 621 based on a fee contract.
Also, in terms of international cooperation, the faculty has established an effective communication system with Turkey's "Dicle" University in the areas of extensive scientific, methodical, and personnel exchange. In particular, in the 2021-2022 academic year, one of our students, Nilufar Berdimurodova, returned to study based on academic mobility. In the academic year 2021-2022, 2 of our students will study at the Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management of the NRU "TIIAME", in the academic year 2023-2024, 2 of our students will study at the National Research University " TIIAME I" and 1 student at the Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management of the NRU "TIIAME" studying based on mobility, and educational exchange has been established.
At the faculty, our talented students are engaged in research, innovation, and rationalization activities at the same time as they are active in the educational process. Students also take part in the Republican examination competition and state scholarships. In the 2021-2022 academic year, Shirinboyev Khudoynazarbek - the holder of the state scholarship named after Islam Karimov, the holder of the special scholarship named after A. Oripov, in the 2022-2023 academic year Almasova Munavvar - the holder of the state scholarship named after Islam Karimov, Khamdamov Burgut-Ali - the state scholarship named after Beruniy and Shirinboyev Khudoynazarbek is the recipient of the Presidential Scholarship, Mulkamalov Sobir is the holder of the special scholarship named after A. Oripov, Davlatov Abdulla is the recipient of the state scholarship named after Islam Karimov, Nosirov Jakhongir is the recipient of the state scholarship named after Beruni, and Almasova Munavvar is the recipient of the Presidential scholarship in the 2023-2024 academic year. Also, Ulugmurodov Elshod received the JTL scholarship, and Raupova Orasta is the holder of the special scholarship named after A. Oripov.