Deputy director for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Enlightenment Affairs include

Deputy director for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Enlightenment Affairs include

First deputy director for Youth Affairs and spiritual and educational affairs:

       Temirova Charos Husanovna

Doctor of technical sciences, associate professor


Reception time: Friday from 9: 00 to 16: 00

Telephone: +99890-674-14-41


On the basis of the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9, 2021 No. 563 “On measures to increase the level of residential coverage of students in higher educational institutions of the Republic”, since September 1, 2021, the institute “Group coach” for working with students has been abolished and the practice of attaching tutes, which

Position tasks of the tyutors on the basis of the order of the Ministry of higher and secondary special education of September 30, 2021 No. 412 in the “Correctness of measures to improve the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work in the higher education system

On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and innovation dated December 25, 2021 No. 539 in the “Correctness of measures for conducting spiritual and educational work in higher education institutions with each student”, the tasks for summarizing information on living addresses of students, reporting their living conditions and health and forming a database on them (HEMIS), the-On the basis of Resolution No. 92, the position of youth leader was introduced in every city, village, ovul and urban neighborhood, the anic tasks for the formation of the “Youth balance”, the maintenance of the electronic platforms “Youth notebook” and “Youth Portal” were established.

On the basis of the above decisions and orders, the post of First Deputy Director for Youth Affairs and spiritual and educational affairs was established at Karshi institute of irrigation and agrotechnology of the National Research University "TIIAME", while 12 tyutors operate for students of 1-3 years.

The activities of the tyutors, their work on the basis of the plan will be transferred to the “Department of youth work spirituality and enlightenment“in the form of a quarterly report, and the results will be submitted electronically to the Republican Center for spirituality.

Position duties of the first deputy director for Youth Affairs and spiritual and educational affairs

Organization of implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, presidential decrees and orders, decisions of the Supreme Assembly and Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and training;

ensure full knowledge of the complex of requirements for the content and level of training of knowledge in accordance with state educational standards and qualification requirements of all deans and departments, heads of departments and professors;

Organization of the implementation of decisions, rector's orders and orders of the Scientific Council of the Institute on issues related to educational, spiritual and educational processes;

to study the development trends of the educational system of advanced countries, develop methods and tools for the implementation of the tasks specified in the law on education and ensure their implementation;

Organization of student and parent receptions;

working with the appeals of individuals and legal entities, including considering the appeals to the virtual reception of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the virtual receptions of the rector of ministries and Institute and the receptions of students and parents in the manner established by the members of the Working Group, preparing proposals for disciplinary action on officials who are irresponsible to;

regular acquaintance of professors and teachers, employees and students of the institute with the content of the legislation published in the Press on the educational and spiritual and educational sphere, decrees and decisions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers;

carrying out legal training and propaganda work on the Prevention of violations, the Prevention of corrupt actions and the fight against it;

Carrying out extensive explanatory work among professors, staff and students on the "rules of etiquette of Higher Education Institutions" recommended by the Ministry of higher and secondary special education;

to conduct monitoring on the state of compliance with the rules, discuss its results, develop the necessary recommendations and take disciplinary action;

on improving the socio-spiritual environment - organizing an “open day”aimed at timely recording and solving Student Problems, studying the problems expressed in the "invitation and feedback box", conducting social surveys about the level and quality of educational processes” youth and education", determining the appropriate measures based on judging the results of the survey at the Scientific Council of the Institute and faculty;

To ensure the participation of students in competitions (Art, Art, Creative, Sports)and to form a database about students who have won them, and to carry out activities to actively involve them in spiritual and educational work,” Mard oglon“,” Nihol “award,” Zulfiya “Award,” Youth Union educational grants " and various other competitions;

Organization of spiritual and educational activities organized among students and youth on the basis of 5 important initiatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

on the organization of research work in the spiritual and educational direction:

scientific and practical involvement of scientists and researchers in the process of spiritual and educational work;

introduction of the results of research work aimed at educating a harmonious personality into the educational process;

to present scientific and practical conferences and publish articles in scientific journals and newspapers, inviting prominent art figures related to topics, employees of organizations, and to devote themselves to topical issues of spiritual and educational work;

to give the ministry the information made in the spiritual and educational plan of the Institute for the academic year and in another field in a timely manner;

development of necessary documents for the system of spiritual and educational work, on the basis of regulatory guidelines of the ministry;

Information Resource Center, providing student accommodation with literature on spiritual and educational issues;

regular improvement of living conditions in student housing, systematic organization of work with faculty deans, deputy Deans, teaching group coaches and professors living in student housing and rent;

organization and control of work carried out in cooperation with the parents of students, local authorities, charitable foundations, faculties and departments with neighborhoods;

organization and control of issues of ensuring uninterrupted high-quality operation of cultural and domestic recreation systems;

organization and control of work on the life of the country and on international life, as well as on spiritual and educational issues at the Institute;

externalizing meaningful student leisure activities, organizing sports, cultural amateur circles;

ensuring uninterrupted and high-quality operation of sports-wellness, household services, nutrition, recreation, cultural recreation systems;

to ensure the participation of professors, staff and students in various public affairs (sports competitions, recreational activities, festivals, concerts, interesting meetings with famous statesmen, writers, poets, scientists, competitions, visits to historical cultural monuments, Saturdays and other events) in the Republic, City and district;

determination of the annual rating of the Institute in the established order, critical analysis, implementation of work on improving activities;

active participation in the preparation and transfer of the institute to permanent internal certification, external certification-accreditation in the established procedure.

making proposals to improve the effectiveness of educational work;

taking action against employees who violate executive discipline, making proposals to terminate the contract with them;

performance of other tasks on the basis of current legislation.

Must know:

Knowledge of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the orders of the Ministry, normative documents establishing the Educational, Scientific, financial and educational process in a higher educational institution.