Department of automation and control of technological processes

Department of automation and control of technological processes

Head of automation and control of technological processes:

Khudaynazarov Utkir Akkuzievich

Reception time:

Phone: (+99897) 911-53-55


                                                                                    Information about the department

The department "Automation and control of technological processes" was established on the basis of the letter No. 0l/l2-09-13-t 699 dated September 4, 2023 of the "TIQXMMI" MTU and the decision of the Institute Council meeting No. 2 dated September 4, 2023 .

      Currently, U.A. Khudoinazarov is the director.

       O.J. Pirimov, O.P. contributed to the development of the department. Shukurova, Sh.B. Imomov, S.N. Khusanov, D.M. Ochilov, O.A. Yunusov, Sh.O. Khaidarov, A.R. Ergashov, S.M. Alikulova, M.T. Sharipova, B.Kh. Qarov, N. Ch. Uzakov, R. M. Boynazarov, O. Davronov and other professors make a great contribution

      Today, 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 9 assistants, and 2 intern-teachers are working in the main staff of the department. The scientific and pedagogical potential of the department is 28.6%.

                                                                               ORGANIZING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS

In order to effectively organize the activity of the department, first of all, attention was paid to solving the following issues:

  • development of science and work programs for subjects on the basis of normative documents, including State educational standards, model and working curricula;
  • not to increase the number of subjects by two when assigning lessons to professors and teachers;
  • fundamental improvement of educational literature base and methodological support;

  • fully upload information on all subjects taught at the department to and systems;

  • introduction of the 5+1 education system for senior students in order to ensure the integration of education-science-production in the department;

  • organization of production and qualification practices at a high level;

  • to establish a modern educational and scientific innovation laboratory in order to improve the material and technical base of the department.



Bachelor's education

Automation and control of technological processes and production;

Electric energy.

External education

Automation and control of technological processes and production;

Electric energy.


Automation and control of technological processes and production;

Second specialty

Automation and control of technological processes and production;



The department works in cooperation with Tashkent State Technical University, Karshi State University, Karshi Institute of Engineering Economics, Golden Road GTL Enterprise, Kashkadarya Regional Electric Networks, and the unitary enterprise of Shortangaz Chemical Complex.

                                                       PROSPECTIVE WORK PLAN OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH WORKS

Increasing scientific potential (PhD and DSc defenses)

Development of integration of science, education and production

Implementation of research projects based on state grants (fundamental, practical and innovative projects)

Business contracts (Commercialization of developments on startup projects)

Publication of textbooks, study guides, monographs, Scopus and WOS articles

Development of foreign cooperation, organization of international conferences (once every 2 years)

Preparation of winners of prestigious International and Republican competitions

  • Preparation and participation of talented students and graduate students in the competition of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan scholarship and famous state scholarships;

  • To strengthen the work of the circles organized in the department